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  • Writer's pictureShahira Zerin

A Fancy take on Noodles

This dish is super easy and quick and perfect for a midweek meal, it is also healthy including a super food, it uses very simple ingredients and is a great way to fancy up a simple meal. I’ve taken inspiration from Asian flavours for this dish with ginger, soy and turmeric.

There are a few elements to this dish which include egg noodles, a ginger and turmeric broth, picked red cabbage and the main guest which is a pan-fried salmon. It may sound complicated at first however, it is super easy, quick, and tasty.

You can start off with the ginger and turmeric broth, it is very simple to make, there is a strange ingredient in this element but trust me, it brings out great flavours, I used a ginger and lemon tea bag in the broth along with a vegetable stock pot, some grated ginger, half a yellow onion minced, and a clove of garlic minced along with a teaspoon of turmeric. I also added a little lime zest and half a teaspoon of lemon juice this step is optional but I feel the lemon juice adds a great kick to the broth, then add 600ml of water and bring to boil to brew in the ginger and lemon tea bag and until the stock has dissolved into the water, once it has dissolved you an lower the heat and let it simmer.

Whilst we have the broth going we can work on our pickled cabbage, I bought some red cabbage and used a peeler to get fine slices of the cabbage, I only grated a handful it was enough for two servings. To pickle the cabbage you need one and half tablespoons of vinegar, I did not have white vinegar so I used malt vinegar, half a teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil, a dash pepper, salt and garlic powder along with a teaspoon of lemon juice. You can cover with some cling film and set aside.

Now we can work on the salmon, I used a fillet of salmon, and I marinated it with a teaspoon of soy sauce, zest of half a lime, juice of half a lime, garlic powder, ground ginger, salt and pepper a long with some all-purpose seasoning. You can cover the salmon and set aside to pan fry towards the end as the salmon does not require a lot of cooking time.

Boil some water and add salt to the water you can now boil your egg noodles, you can use any type of noodles, I originally wanted to have rice noodles for this dish but could not find any so had to settle for egg noodles. Once the noodles are tender you can drain them and run them under some cold water. You can now start plating up the noodles. Next you can pan fry the salmon on medium high heat with some olive oil, it should take around 6-8 minutes fry the salmon skin side down to get crispy skin. Right about now the broth should have reduced quite a bit you can take it off the heat and using a ladle add the broth to the noodles. Check on your salmon and once it looks like it is cooked through take it off the heat and place above your noodles. Grab your pickled cabbage which you set aside earlier, drain off any excess liquid and serve around two/three teaspoons of the pickled cabbage above the salmon and add some garnish if you like and your dish is ready.

The combination of the flavours are perfect and it is a nice play on temperatures mixing hot and cold. Hope you liked the recipe, happy eating!



-1 vegetable stock pot

-600ml water

-1 ginger and lemon tea bag

-half a tsp of grated ginger

-1 clove of garlic minced

-half a small yellow onion diced

-1 tsp of turmeric

-zest of half a lime

-1 tsp of lemon juice

-salt and pepper

Pickled cabbage

-handful of red cabbage sliced with a grater

-1 and a half tsp of vinegar (any kind)

-1 tsp lemon juice

-half a tsp olive oil

-dash of garlic powder

-dash of salt and pepper


-two fillets of salmon

-1 tsp of soy sauce

-juice of half a lime

-zest of half a lime

-dash of ground ginger

-dash of garlic powder

-dash of all-purpose seasoning

-dash of salt and pepper

-olive oil


-a pack of egg noodles enough for two servings

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